Monday 9 November 2009

Initial video creation

I have created 3 short videos that use the idea I initially created; using wire paint brushes to spread paint on a drum head.

I set the process up by using a large sheet of white paper as a clear background, focusing attention on the drumskin I placed on it. This was fixed to the paper using masking tape to prevent it from sliding. I then attached the camera to a stand.

Here is my three recordings. . .

I will be editing these short films in 'Premiere Elements', using techniques such as re-winding the clips, to look like the paint is being cleaned up. This will create a clever effect.

I may also encorporate a clip of music and colour co-ordinate the clips to create different moods. For example, red symobolises anger and tension whereas blue may appear a calmer colour.

Tuesday 3 November 2009


I have come up with a movie idea which encorporates music into art; wire drum brushes have
the ability to spread out, so I could use these to mimick a paint brush, and spread paint over a drum skin, using different colours of paint.

The idea I have come up with is to select colours of paint, and place a small amount at the bottom of the drum skin. I will then spread this paint outwards towards the top of the skin. Using 'Adobe Premiere' I would then reverse this small clip til the start leaving the blob of paint.

I will do this with several colours, which could
remesmble different parts of a chosen song (acting as a code)

Relationship between music and architecture

My final piece idea is based on photos aquired at the Southbank centre.

The image to the left is a photo that I am going to repeatedly minipulate heavily, using photoshop, and by photomontage, and using the dark room etc.

I chose this photo due to the outstanding lines and textures it, working against each other.

This phto is one I have minipulated in photoshop by overlapping the same image ontop of each other and experimenting with different colours.

I would like to encorporate this design and approach into part of my final piece.